
Eagle County Gives Logo

Sponsor & Partner
Marketing Materials
In this folder you will find marketing resources including the Eagle County Gives branding as well as assets for the Eagle County Gives Rally and promotion of Colorado Gives Day.
Sponsorships/Partnerships Resources
Templates for ECG Members
Here’s how much Eagle County Gives Day raised in its 13th year, Vail Daily 12/09/2023
Eagle County Gives Day raises $1.5 million for local nonprofits, Vail Daily, 12/13/22
Eagle County Gives ramps up in preparation for Colorado Gives Day, Vail Daily, 12/03/22
Eagle County Gives Day raises over $2 million for local nonprofits, Vail Daily, 12/10/2021
Eagle County Gives Day collects $1.5M, Vail Daily, 12/9/2020
Eagle County Gives Day is more important than it’s ever been, Vail Daily, 12/7/2020
Vail Valley’s first ‘Giving Tuesday’ comes at a good time, Vail Daily, 5/4/2020
Eagle County Gives Day takes months of planning, work, Vail Daily, 11/28/19
Eagle County nonprofits raised more than $1 million on Colorado Gives Day, Vail Daily, 12/8/2018
Vail Valley nonprofits put a lot of work, collaboration into Colorado Gives Day, Vail Daily, 11/30/2018